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Selected Projects

Right to Repair term paper and presentation

The right to repair and ownership of ones devices meaning ownership isn't all that controversial of a opinion, unless you are in the business of being a manufacturer I guess. This paper was written with Alfonso Fernandez.

Cyber Security Club: Nmap, Ncat, and iNternet Oh My!

On November 10, 2021, I gave a workshop at the Cyber Security Club at UC Davis going through a basic level of how the internet works, how to make TCP connections with netcat, how to find open ports and server version information with nmap, and then programmatically making TCP connections with python. Slides are available.

USNCCM Presentation

I presented with Professor E.G. Puckett at USNCCM 16 this summer about our continuing research into geodynamic modeling with particles. The talk was pre-recorded and can be found on YouTube.

Machine Learning Term Project

Working in a large team, I helped to do try several machine learning algorithms on a dataset of public bike rentals in Seoul, South Korea. Our group presentation went really well, and the video is exceptionally well produced. The GitHub repo with our work is public, and the report is as well.

Earthquake Report processing

Working in a small group, I trained a neural network to recognize the catergorical responses and also helped to read the handwriting from a group of earthquake reponse postcards provided by some geodynamics researchers. In spite of the low quality of the scans and small dataset, I was able to achieve more than 90% accuracy in the recognition of categorical responses.

RSA paper

The RSA and Diffie Helman algorithms are used to help verify the identities of most web servers, and many other types of internet traffic. While my interest was first started in a class with a term paper, I have worked to build my knowledge since then through a talk I gave for the cyber security club that among other things covered the web of trust that public key cryptography uses, and two challenge programs that I run on ports 4000 and 4001 of this server (use netcat or similar TCP connection to complete the challenges).

HackDavis 2020 - Purple Journal

In a team with 3 other CS majors, I worked to make a chrome extension and apply some machine learning to it to try and determine how positive or negative news sources were. The free API keys that we used in this project have long since expired, so I can't recommend trying the extension anymore.

Eagle Scout Service Project

This is a little more dated than the rest of the projects here, but it is that much closer to my heart to make it worth sharing still. I led the construction of six garden beds at Woodbine Elementary School. I learned a lot about leadership and delegation through the fundraising, design, and building of the garden beds and I am so glad that I got to have such an impact on the community.